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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

May 2023

  • Update from Owl Class​​​​​​​

    Published 26/05/23

    This term Owls have enjoyed the beginning of their topic on Ancient Greeks and are looking forward to an Ancient Greek day on Thursday 6th July (dressing up is optional!) They have done lots of art - from coronation self-portraits to expressionist art. The Year 6s worked incredibly hard in the build up to and during SATs week; we are very proud of their excellent attitudes towards their assessments. They were excited to receive their Leavers' hoodies in this week's celebration worship!

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  • After School Golf Club

    Published 22/05/23

    Children from KS2 have been going to Bridport Golf Club with Mr Proudfoot after school. They have been learning the foundations to a solid golf swing, while having bundles of fun! Maybe we've found the next Tiger Woods?

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May 2023