Robin Class (Y1/2)
Our topic this half-term is Magnificent Monarchs.
Home Learning
Please read to your children regularly and hear them read their books at least five times a week.
This term, we have set some maths and spelling home learning to help children develop their quick recall of maths facts and spell common tricky words. Please can you support your child with learning these facts and spelling regularly. We will be using a precision teaching approach where children will try and beat their own score from the previous week. They can record their work in the blue books sent home or complete it in other ways. A list of helpful tips, the spellings and maths task are in the books. We would love to see any work if it is not in the home learning book so children are welcome to bring their work or photos in on a Wednesday and Friday to show us. Please keep the blue books in their reading folders to come to school each day.
Thank you for your continued support
Rebekah and Audrey