Uniform Information
We encourage all children to wear our very simple uniform:
- a red school sweatshirt or cardigan
- white blouse or polo shirt
- grey or black trousers / tunic / skirt
- red gingham dress/shorts in warmer weather
- grey or white socks / tights
No high heels. No trainers, except for outside games.
The PE kit is as follows:
- black shorts
- navy blue t-shirt
- spare pair of white socks
- plimsolls/trainers for outdoor PE
- named PE bag (EYFS)
- school PE hoodie (optional)
We request that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child's name.
To order school uniform please use Kitz UK.
Children do not need to wear jewellery of any type to school. Children who do have pierced ears should only wear small studs, which must be removed or covered for PE and swimming. This is parents' responsibility.
Once children have learnt to tell the time they may wear a small sensible watch to school, which must be removed for PE. This must not be a smart watch. As with all personal possessions, this remains the owner's responsibility.
Children should not wear loom bands, wrist bands and such like and should wear no form of make up (including nail varnish or stick on tattoos).